PHOENIX — Just last month, more than 1,000 Arizona consumers turned to our Let Joe Know problem-solvers for help.The number of Arizonans coming to us with frustrating consumer issues has been growing steadily for months.”By the time I contacted you I felt I was at wit’s end,” one consumer said.”I don’t have money for a lawyer and it was very frustrating,” said another Arizonan.We hear the same issues from a lot of you and our 25-person Let Joe Know/Better Business Bureau volunteer team works each day to help Arizonans.You don’t hear about most of their successes… like Paul who had a new home deal canceled but couldn’t get back his deposit.After letting us know, our team got him a check for $37,000.”I was very surprised.. like I said, I had given up on it… I was over the moon, just delighted,” Paul said.When the insurer of the driver w …
See the full Housing Inventory article, or, read more Arizona real estate investing news. Up to you! Either way, you’re on your game!