Arizona home inspector posted videos online. One builder filed a complaint

A well-known metro Phoenix home inspector with hundreds of thousands of social media followers and posts of construction problems, including shoddy roofs, has drawn a complaint with regulators from a homebuilder.Taylor Morrison filed a complaint against Cy Porter of CyFy Home Inspections, alleging he misrepresents problems, creates fear-mongering with buyers, conceals facts and cyberbullies people.Porter…

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Arizona Zoo Animals Celebrate ‘Summer Snow Day’ with 10 Tons of Ice amid 109-Degree Heat

Elephants, tortoises, big cats and more enjoyed the faux winter wonderland at Phoenix Zoo on July 19Phoenix Zoo Rhino celebrating Summer Snow Day at the Phoenix ZooPhoenix Zoo knows how to keep things cool!The zoo, located in Arizona’s capital, recently treated its animals to an unconventional event: a “summer snow day.”There was not a snowflake…

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