FLAGSTAFF — While the proposed rezoning for a new Northern Arizona Healthcare hospital might be the most high-profile topic on Flagstaff’s special election ballot, voters face a total of 20 questions.Nineteen items on the Nov. 7 election ballot are proposed amendments to the Flagstaff city charter. City charters establish the fundamental laws of a city and are routinely updated and reviewed, in part to ensure compliance with state and federal law. Flagstaff voters last approved changes to the city charter eight years ago.Flagstaff officials are hosting an open house on Wednesday, Oct. 25, at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall to discuss the proposed changes to the city charter.Here’s a breakdown of everything on Flagstaff’s special election ballot. This election will be conducted by mail. Ballots will be mailed to all registered voters on Oct. 11. They must be received by 7 p.m. on Nov. 7 and can be returned by mail or via a ballot drop box. More information about returning ballots and requesting a replacement ballot is available at https://www.flagstaff.az.gov/2105/Elections.Previous coverage:Residents pack Northern Arizona Healthcare forum about proposed hospitalProposition 461 — Nomination requirements for primary electionThis amendment would allow the city to modify the minimum number of signatures required for prospective candidates to qualify for placement on a ballot.Currently, the signature requirement for candidates to qualify is 5% of the number of voters in the prior general election, which some past candidates have said is difficult to achieve and can be a barrier to running for office, especially as voter turnout continues to increase.Proposition 462 — Purchases, contracts and city ImprovementsThis amendment would increase the monetary threshold for when formal procurement processes are required for purchases, contracts or city improvements from $50,000 to $100,000. The city currently uses an informal procurement process for less expensive purchases.Voters …
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