Upcoming US 60 highway closures announced

Tempe and West Chandler drivers can expect full highway closures as the Arizona Department of Transportation replaces two bridges on US 60 east of Superior with spans designed to handle passenger and commercial traffic for decades to come.- Advertisement -The combined $44.7 million project will require multiple full highway closures between Superior and Miami for blasting operations as crews work to construct new bridges over Queen Creek and Waterfall Canyon.
Motorists should plan for as many as three closures a week, starting at a date to be determined within the next several weeks, and continuing until fall. The closures, when required, will occur from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
During the closures for blasting, crews will work to shift the highway 65 feet to the east and align it with the new Queen Creek Bridge. Also during the closures, crews will reconstruct the Waterfall Canyon Bridge just east of the Queen Creek Tunnel.
During the closures, motorists will detour on state routes 77 and 177 through Winkelman. This will add up to one hour to the trip between Globe and Superior. By providing consistent days and times for these full closures, ADOT is providing a reliable schedule for those who travel between the Superior and Globe areas.
Toward the end of the project, a multi-day closure of US 60 will be req …

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