Main Street ‘road diet’ upsets neighbors

Mesa City Council signed off an agreement with the Arizona Department of Transportation Aug. 21 that will allow the state to remove two lanes of traffic from a 5-mile stretch of Main Street between Sossaman and Meridian roads to make way for sidewalks and bike lanes.The “U.S. 60X” project, as it is called in ADOT documents, also includes the installation of lighting, curbs, gutters, pedestrian ramps, new markings and “traffic signal work,” according to a staff report.The agreement allows ADOT to work around city of Mesa utilities installed in the roadway and was a preliminary step toward the state putting the project out for bid.

ADOT currently estimates work will begin in early 2024.“It’s a major project. It’s going to be a great thing for the Mesa area,” Deputy Transportation Director Erik Guderian told the city council …

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