When you think of Arizona, you can’t help but think of freedom.Freedom to keep the money you earn. Freedom to send your kids to the school you want. Freedom to start a business without layers of red tape. And freedom to work – our licensing reform has become a national model.
Senate President Warren Petersen, R-Gilbert
As a result, Arizona has been a magnet for people and businesses from everywhere – maybe even for you.
But now more than ever, maintaining the freedom-loving culture of our state won’t happen by accident. It takes work, and Republicans in the state House and Senate are on the front lines of that work every single day.
Whether it’s Democrats in the Legislature, or our new governor – the liberal progressive agenda is more aggressive than ever in Arizona. Much of this is driven by well-funded, out-of-state interests.
Your Republican majority has been working hard to stop this radical agenda that seeks higher taxes, open border policies, allowing boys and girls to use the same showers in schools and legalizing abortion up until the moment of birth. Republicans …
See the full article on Arizona’s economic indicators, or, read more Arizona real estate investing news. Take your pick!