Arizona labor organizations are pushing an initiative to repeal Article 25 of the state constitution, an amendment shielding workers in Arizona from compulsory union membership as a condition of employment.If repealed, the ranks of union workers would vastly increase.As an Arizona resident employed by a non-unionized company, I hope they don’t go through with it.Under Article 25, Arizona workers like me can opt out of paying union dues. If the Arizona Works Together initiative passes, repealing the amendment, I will have to part with up to 2% of my income for dues.This is coercion.What if I choose to not join the union? What if I prefer my current working conditions or disagree with a union initiative?I would still have to pay.UAW efforts could still kill jobsUnited Auto Workers members picket near a Stellantis parts-distribution center, Friday, Sept. 22, 2023, in Morrow, Ga.Proponents of the initiative might ask why workers would opt out of union membership in the first place.If unions were a universal boon, I might sympathize, but no worker should be forced to pay into a system that slows wage discussions, terrorizes mental health and hampers innovation. It’s analogous to unjust taxation.Although labor advocates tout the superior power of unions to leverage higher wages, the collective bargaining process is lethargic, and its effects are minimal.It took GM and Ford five months to reach a tentative agreement with the United Auto Workers i …
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