Fact Finders: What’s up with Arizona grocery prices?

Fact Finders look into why Arizonans pay disproportionally more for food, and which grocery prices are expected to rise and fall this year.

TUCSON, Ariz. (13 News) -The average American household now spends more than a thousand dollars a month on groceries. 13 Fact Finders looked deeper and found, that number is even higher in Arizona, not far behind California, the biggest-spending state at the store.A new analysis by Forbes puts Arizona at 24th in the nation for cost of living, but 11th in food spending. The University of Arizona MAP cost of living dashboard puts that amount at $271 a week. Families with kids are spending a whopping average of $331 every week.“Everybody’s budgets are definitely getting pressed in from different sides I think inflation will start to get curtailed this year and we’ll start to get it under control,” said Dr. Patrick Payne, an associate professor of personal and family financial planning at UA’s Norton School of Human Ecology.The latest inflation numbers show food prices rose by the highest monthly rate in a year. Payne said, it may not feel like it, but it is getting better.“We …

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