Arizona seniors are cheering for lower health care costs

Thanks to the work of President Joe Biden and Congress, seniors are finally starting to get the lower drug costs they deserve …

Thanks to the work of President Joe Biden and Congress, seniors are finally starting to get the lower drug costs they deserve. 
August 16 marked the one-year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act, which lowers prescription drug and health coverage costs for millions of Americans. And finally, after 20 years of waiting, Arizona seniors are cheering the fact that Medicare will begin negotiating the prices of commonly-used, life-saving pharmaceuticals.
For decades, Big Pharma has blocked this from happening. While pharmaceutical companies made record profits and spent millions of dollars on lobbying and advertising their products, millions of Americans were forced to choose between paying for medications they needed to live, or paying for other necessities, like food or rent.



In addition to this great  a …

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