Arizona Daily Star editorial: U of A’s fiscal hall of mirrors

Clearly, University of Arizona President Robert C. Robbins has lost whatever credibility he once had with faculty, staff and most importantly the public. Which leads us to wonder if the …

The University of Arizona’s retention of Lisa Rulney, formerly University of Arizona vice president of business affairs and chief financial officer, with a new title and all of her previous half-million-dollar salary, is an apt metaphor for the university’s handling of its so-called $240 million cash-flow “miscalculation.”It’s a fiscal hall of mirrors, with no real savings achieved despite the optics of removing her from her CFO role.The explanation offered — that her help for erstwhile ABOR Executive Director John Arnold is needed as he steps into her old role monitoring the day-to-day finances of the university — is barely credible on its face. What isn’t so credible is that university president Robert C. Robbins made a point of announcing her resignation to ABOR as he outlined his plan to get around the fiscal disarray.He said he had accepted Rulney’s resignation, not reassigned her to another role at the same salary. It left the impress …

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